1. Teaching and Learning

1B. Safe and Healthy Environment


Specific Tools

Child Care Assessment Tool-R Checklist
The CCAT-R Checklist is a 5 part assessment from Bank Street College of Education. For ExceleRate Illinois only the Health and Safety Checklist is required and the checklist has been revised to fit IDCFS licensing standards. There are two checklists that can be used based on age group. 

CCAT-R Health and Safety Checklist for Under 3 (139 KB)
CCAT-R Health and Safety Checklist for 3 and Older (124 KB)

CCAT-R Health and Safety Checklist for Under 3 Spanish 
CCAT-R Health and Safety Checklist for 3 and Older Spanish

Environment Rating Scales Tip Sheets

Specific Tools - Program Assessment

Environment Rating Scales  
The Environment Rating Scales (ERS) are designed to assess process quality in an early childhood care group. Process quality consists of the various interactions that go on in a classroom between staff and children, staff, parents, and other adults, among the children themselves, and the interactions children have with the many materials and activities in the environment, as well as those features, such as space, schedule and materials that support these interactions. 

There are four environment rating scales, each designed for a different segment of the early childhood field.

Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition (FCCERS-R)
A thorough revision of the original FDCRS, designed to assess family child care programs conducted in a provider's home for children from infancy through school-age.

Scale consists of 38 items organized into 7 subscales:

  • Space and Furnishings
  • Personal Care Routines
  • Listening and Talking
  • Activities
  • Interaction
  • Program Structure
  • Parents and Provider

New for the Revised Edition:

  • Accommodates the wider age range often found in family child care programs.
  • A deeper focus on sensitivity to cultural and socioeconomic diversity.
  • The special needs of exceptional children have been added to the main scale items and indicators.
  • An additional subscale called "Program Structure."
  • An expanded score sheet that includes space and forms to collect specific information needed for accurate scoring.
  • A new layout, with each item on a separate page along with the Notes for Clarification and Questions.