3. Leadership and Management

3B. Group Size and Staff/Child Ratios

Brief Overview of Standard: Careful attention to staff-to-child ratios and the size of the groups within classrooms are critical factors to ensure the program maintains a high quality environment where all children can balance individual attention with group activities and social development.


Informational Resources

Child to Staff Ratios
One of the most important quality indicators for child care centers is the number of children compared to the number of staff — its staff to child ratio. The fewer children served by each staff member is critical to higher quality care.

Group Size - A Key Indicator of Quality

Relationships as the Foundation of Quality Infant and Toddler Care
A resource from Early Head Start, Relationships as the Foundation of Quality Infant and Toddler Care is a series of four online lessons. Explore the importance of positive, nurturing relationships with infants, toddlers and families, even before the baby is born. As they work through the lessons, staff should think about how relationships are built with babies and families in their programs.





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